Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines Day!

Last night we dropped Adam off at Doug's Mom's house so we could go out to eat with our friends Chris and Amber for Valentines Day. We went to Nikko Japanese Restaurant. It is a nice, contemporary, sushi and hibachi place. We had a great time. When we were leaving we hung out for a little while at the front area where they have a bar and cocktail tables and benches where people can hang out mingle, and wait for tables. We ran into several people we knew. We had a great time. Here are some pictures from the evening.

Doug and I all dressed up...

 The flaming food...I ordered the Fillet Mignon and Jumbo Scallops. It comes with soup, salad, fried rice, shrimp, vegetables, lo main, and 3 pieces of chicken that he tossed in the air for me to catch with my mouth. I only caught the last one in my mouth the other smacked me in the neck and face.Here is Chris and Amber...
Here we all are hanging out after dinner. Thank you Amanda for taking this picture!

Friday, February 13, 2009

My Little Valentine

I Love My Little Valentine!!!! Today I took Adam to the Picture People and got some pictures of him and wanted to get one of me and my little valentine. We met Katrina and baby Laura there too. After getting pictures we took the kids to play on the playground in the mall. Sorry no pics, I forgot my camera. Then they rode on the Marry-Go-round. We had packed their lunch, so we went to the food court and had lunch and then we did a little shopping. 
I hope everyone has a great Valentines Day tomorrow!! Doug's mom is going to be watching Adam so Doug and I can go out to dinner and celebrate. Stayed tuned for pics of Doug and I all dressed up for our "Date"!!

Night, Night!!

Adam has been in his big boy bed for several months now, so I figured I would snap a few pics. Every night when he goes to bed Peaches likes to sleep at the end of the bed until Adam falls asleep. Here is Adam showing how he goes to bed.
Here is Adam closing his eyes, pretending to be sleeping for the camera.Here is Adam trying not to laugh as he is faking sleeping.
I thought it would be neat to look back to a year ago and compare Adam sleeping. I found a picture from last February, exactly a year ago of Adam sleeping. Love the butt in the air!!!
As I was looking for the picture I came across a picture from last March of Adam and Doug taking a nap together. This is such a funny picture. They were actually both really asleep, out cold, and they were sleeping the exact same way. I remember going in to check on Adam and almost peeing my pants laughing. I ran and got my camera and knew it would be priceless. Don't ask me how they can sleep with their arm over their face like that, but I guess "Like Father, Like Son!"

Monday, February 9, 2009

Little Man

We had a great weekend. It was so warm out that we took walks everyday and we went to the playground across the street at the school and played. Adam loved climbing the 8 ft. rock climbing wall and he can do it all by himself. Of corse I was right there ready to catch if he slipped. On Saturday night we went to a friends wedding. Here are some pictures of my little man all dressed up. I can't believe how fast they grow up!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Videos of The Little Gym

Adam had The Little Gym today. Here are some video clips of him showing off his MAD skills, lol!!!
He had so much fun!Add Image