We are counting down the days until Ryan's arrival. I have less than a month until my due date. This Sunday I will be 37 weeks pregnant. My doctor thinks that I will go early and have him sometime in my 37th week, but only time will tell. I have been having lots of contractions for the past couple of months and a couple of scares of possible pre-term labor. I am just happy that I made it this far, as 37 weeks is considered full-term. As of now I am 3 cm dilated, 75% effaced, and he has dropped, which is basically a bunch of technical terms to say I am ready to pop any second now. I am farther along then some people who are in actual labor. We finally got all our bags packed and I think we are pretty much ready anytime now. Although I can't wait to meet him and I am getting uncomfortable, I wouldn't mind if he waited a little longer to make his arrival so I know he will be born as healthy as can be.
Here is a pic of me 36 weeks pregnant with Doug and Adam at my sister Erin's 30th b-day party last weekend...