One of the first things Doug told me when I told him I was pregnant was that we were going to wait to find out what we were having. At first I wasn't sure that I wanted to wait, but then I thought it would be neat to see how it was to wait to find out. I was all set to wait until the birth. Then Doug said yesterday that he thought he might want to find out. It totally through me for a loop, but then he said he was just kidding. So today we went for the big ultrasound and on the way into the doctors office Doug said he thought he wanted to find out. We went into the room for the sonogram and we told the nurse we were thinking of finding out what it was. Well it didn't matter if we wanted to find out or not, because the baby decided it was best for us to know. Every time she would move the image the baby would turn over and open it's legs and show us. She asked if I could tell what it was and I said, "Oh Yes. Without a doubt, it's a boy". There it was, clear as day. It actually brought tears to my eyes. I was so excited that Adam will have a little brother and will get to have the same type of relationship that I have with my sisters. They will be 2 years apart and I'm sure will do everything together. Doug is already talking about how some high school will be lucky to have both boys on the cross country team together. It is now really sinking in that I am pregnant and it's so exciting. Here are some pics from the sonogram. I'm so in love with my new baby boy!!! We have finalized his name... Ryan William.

Awww, Laura Congrats! You too Doug! Love the name Ryan BTW... it's a good name! Love the leg shot too... such a tiny little thing! So exciting!
So exciting!! You're making me want another baby! I'm so happy for you!!
Congrats! And there is no doubt it's a boy, he's showing it off
Oh my GOSH!!!! I'm so EXCITED for you! 2 boys are the BEST! Yay!
BTW- Ryan is beautiful- what amazing pictures you have!
Congrats again!
So exciting to have another little boy for Adam to play with...I will have the girls and you will have the boys :). Love the pics :)
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