Adam will be 2 in a couple of days, and boy has he lived up his last month as a one-year-old. Below I have attached pictures of all the fun he has had. Aunt Erin took him bowling for the first time, he went to the circus for the first time, he played a Cello in his music class, he went to a family kids carnival and rode a horse, he has gone to some cook-outs and parties, we tried out a new indoor play place with all his friends (I don't have pics of this, I'll post some when I get them from friends), he got his birthday gift early - his very own cop car, and today we went to the zoo. This is all in addition to his usual play dates, trips to the park, weekly Little Gym class and weekly music class.
Our group at the circus:

Adam with his cousins Bella and Jasmine at the circus:

Adam and his friends at the circus:

My little music man, he loves his music class:

He loved riding the horsie:
Adam helping Granny push her "toy". He thought her walker was a push toy like he has.

Adam sitting in Uncle Gee's Cop Car. Check out my little super trooper:

Adam in his very own cop car. Check out his little radio in his right hand, his laser gun in his left hand and his police hat on his head. He is all set to lock up some bad guys just like Daddy does.

Adam and his cousin Bella on the Metro on the way to the zoo. Adam was so excited to ride the train.

Adam and all his friends getting ready to check out the zoo.

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