May 16, 2007 Adam Douglas was born at 3:06 am. A tiny 5 lb 13 oz boy who surprised us 3 weeks early. My life was forever changed for the better and I love every moment of it. Here is a picture from his first day of life. Look how tiny he was. You can see his tiny foot sticking out of the blanket right below my wrist bands.

Here he is 2 years later on his 2nd birthday.

For his birthday dinner we took him to one of his favorite places to eat dinner, Super Buffet.

We had his birthday party on Sunday in our newly finished basement. We decided to down scale from the big party we had for his 1st birthday. We had just immediate family and his close friends that he plays with on a weekly basis, plus their parents. It still added up to a lot of people, but we had a great time!

It was a balloon theme. Here is the cake I made.

We sang happy birthday and he blew out his candles with the help of Mommy and Daddy.

He enjoyed the cake very much!

He loved all his presents.

I love my little 2 year old!

After his party we took him to Cici's for pizza and to play games in the game room.

Happy Birthday Little Man!
Wow- how fast time flies, ya know?! I can't believe you and I are mothers of 2 year old boys!
Happy Birthday Adam! You're a superstar and you are lucky to have such a wonderful mommy!
Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks!
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