Thursday, September 17, 2009

Can't wait for baby Ryan's arrival

We are counting down the days until Ryan's arrival. I have less than a month until my due date. This Sunday I will be 37 weeks pregnant. My doctor thinks that I will go early and have him sometime in my 37th week, but only time will tell. I have been having lots of contractions for the past couple of months and a couple of scares of possible pre-term labor. I am just happy that I made it this far, as 37 weeks is considered full-term. As of now I am 3 cm dilated, 75% effaced, and he has dropped, which is basically a bunch of technical terms to say I am ready to pop any second now. I am farther along then some people who are in actual labor. We finally got all our bags packed and I think we are pretty much ready anytime now. Although I can't wait to meet him and I am getting uncomfortable, I wouldn't mind if he waited a little longer to make his arrival so I know he will be born as healthy as can be.

Here is a pic of me 36 weeks pregnant with Doug and Adam at my sister Erin's 30th b-day party last weekend...
Last week my Mom, my sisters, and my grandparents decided to surprise me by bringing me dinner and some gifts for Ryan. It was a nice surprise, here are the gifts...
On Sunday, my friends decided to give me a surprise baby shower at Olive Garden. It was great!! They are such a great group of friends and I really appreciate the support and friendship that I have with them. Here are some pics from the shower...

They even gave Adam a big brother basket of gifts. I am waiting until Ryan's arrival to give them to him, so he will have some fun new stuff to entertain him.
Here is the beautiful cake, it was chocolate with a whipped, creamy icing... Very Yummy!!

I try to get on here and update, but lately is has been about once a month, because I have been so busy. Here are some pics that updates what Adam has been up to since my last post.

I took Adam to the Discovery Station museum in Hagerstown and he had a blast with some of his friends...

We went to the Peach festival and he got to sit in a real fire truck...
Adam and his cousin Bella riding the barrel ride at the Peach Festival...
Adam and Bella playing at the park...
As usual Adam had several playdates. Here is one of him driving his friend around in the power wheels...
Here is a pic of Adam on his last day at Little Gym. We are taking some time off from Little Gym until after the baby comes and we get settled into a routine. Adam has been going to Little Gym since he was 4 months old, so he already misses it.
Here is Adam making some pizza at his friend Lexi's house. How fitting since Doug and I met at a pizza shop...
Here is Adam and some of his friends hanging out...
Adam and his friend Jack hanging out at Chuckie Cheese...
Since we live on a street where there is only one other house and in a cul de sac, there is no traffic. Lately I have been sitting in a chair in the driveway and just watching Adam ride his tricycle up and down the street. He loves it. Click on the play button below to watch the video...